Emerging markets and innovation strategies in brazil


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This study deals with the survey of the characteristics of the phenomenon of innovation verified in emerging markets countries, which resulted in a peculiar typification that has been widespread in the current literature. The formation of meanings for innovation in the context of these markets, which can be represented by those countries that make up the so- called BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), involves a preliminary screening of the important aspects that mark their occurrence in these markets. Territorial boundaries. With this perception, the theme is treated in order to identify particularities in the theoretical categories of innovations based on less complex technologies, typical of emerging markets, as opposed to that model of high technology-based and R&D-driven innovation adopted in the countries central. From this perspective, the study aims to assemble a picture of possible convergences or dissonances observed with the projection of such particularities in the innovations that occurred in Brazil, seeking to shed more light on these new paths so that we can reflect on the innovation in the country. This study uses a bibliographic survey, looking for theoretical support and empirical data on a secondary basis to describe and discuss aspects of the phenomenon of innovation in emerging markets, with special emphasis on the Brazilian case. In view of this, the theoretical framework presents brief sections covering the basic characterization of emerging markets; the types of innovation present in these markets; and the characteristics that mark innovation in Brazil. By outlining some critical considerations about innovation in the national context, the study points to Brazil's lag in the world rank, with a performance incompatible with the size of its economy. In spite of the difficulties observed, thanks to bold initiatives that are not always institutional in nature, ideas, new ventures, cutting-edge technologies emerge, showing a potential face of an innovative Brazil. Finally, it presents considerations on innovation in the Brazilian market and points out objects worthy of further investigation.
innovation, emerging markets, strategy
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