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Physicochemical and rheological effects of the incorporation of micronized polyethylene terephthalate in asphalt binder


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Modification of asphalt binders incorporating polyethylene terephthalate (PET) residues can improve their physical and rheological characteristics while providing secondary environmental benefits. This study evaluated the result of the addition of Micronized PET (MPET) in the contents of 2 and 3% in Petroleum Asphalt Cement with 50/70 penetration (PAC 50/70). The binder properties were evaluated through penetration tests, softening point, rotational viscosity, ductility, infrared spectroscopy, performance grade, and multiple stress creep recovery. The results showed that this modifier provided an increase in the softening point and viscosity, a decrease in penetration, an improvement in permanent deformation and fatigue life. The contents used in this research did not show a significant increase in mixing temperatures. The modifier showed the antioxidant property. Overall, 3% of MPET had the best results in the tests performed. It was concluded that the use of MPET as an asphalt binder modifier is an effective method to improve the properties of the asphalt binder while addressing an environmental concern and preserving natural resources.
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alternative materials, asphalt binder, polymer, rheology, waste
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