
A Mixed-Method Study of Chicken Meat Safety in Iran during the COVID-19 Pandemic: SWOT Analysis


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Chicken meat is one of the main sources of cheap, great quality, and nutritious protein. The purpose of this study was to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) chicken meat safety for practical solutions during the COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional mixed-method study was designed. First, semi-structured, face-to-face interviews were conducted with 14 experts in the chicken meat industry. They were selected through purposive sampling. Then, an online questionnaire with the characteristics of participants in knowledge, attitude, and practice about the safety of chicken meat during the COVID-19 pandemic was sent through WhatsApp Messenger to 179 households in Tehran, Iran. The quantitative data were analyzed by the SPSS, and then SWOT analysis was done based on both qualitative and quantitative findings. Five categories and eight themes with 35 subthemes were extracted about safety challenges in the chicken meat industry according to the views of stakeholders. In the second phase, the majority of participants had moderate knowledge (65.5%), a positive attitude (64.8%), and acceptable practice (67%) toward the safety of chicken meat. The SWOT analysis showed the up-to-date strategy and regulations (S), mismanagement (W), privatization and export of chicken (O), and sanctions (T) as the most important factors influencing the safety of chicken meat from production to consumption in Iran. The chief weaknesses of the poultry industry are mismanagement and lack of policy and planning in all sectors. The government must sustain a continuous plan for the allocation of poultry inputs. This will assist the associated supervisors in designing and offering strategies to develop the chicken meat industry. Policymakers can use the SWOT analysis results for practical solutions and potential future strengthening actions of chicken meat safety to increase public health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19,Mixed-method,SWOT analysis,Chicken meat safety
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