A Study on Sequential Transactions Using Smart Card Based Cloud Voting System


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People's mandate is an integral part of any good governance for smooth and unbiased administration of state and its policy making. The unbiased representation of people's mandate is the stepping stone of this process. However, due to several real world anomalies including the threat perspective and manipulation of voters by the non-state actors, nowadays it is difficult to collect and maintain the actual mandate of the people through the conventional approach of voting. To resolve this issue, advanced technologies like Cloud Computing, Edge Computing, etc. may be applied to upgrade the conventional voting system into the technological form, which mainly relies on virtual medium for transmission of sensitive information between the voter and the state sponsored agents like Election Commission, Presiding Officer, Polling Party, etc. The application of advanced technologies can reduce the threat perspective and manipulation of voters by nonstate actors to a significant level mainly due to electronic message communication between the state sponsored agents and voter, however, this electronic message communication should be monitored properly from its initial state so as to prevent the illicit attempts of adversaries over the electronic transaction. Since this electronic voting is conducted through a virtual medium like the Internet, there are chances of latency problems while reflecting the exact record in a real time situation. To resolve these issues and provide an integrated voting system to the voter, authors have proposed a Cloud Voting System (CVS) using a multipurpose smart card interface namely Multipurpose Electronic Card (MEC), which also helps to uniquely identify the voter during the voting process. As multiple stakeholders have to engage among themselves during the real world implementation of the proposed Cloud Voting System (CVS) using Multipurpose Electronic Card (MEC), it is essential to maintain the proper sequence of operations among its stakeholders. To achieve this objective, in this paper authors have explained the proper sequence of operations between the various stakeholders of Cloud Voting System (CVS) using the Sequence Diagram of Object Oriented Modeling (OOM).
Cloud voting, Actors, Sequence diagram
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