Reproducibility of the Geomagnetically Induced Currents at Middle Latitudes During Space Weather Disturbances


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Watari et al. (Space Weather, 2009, 7) found that the geomagnetically induced current (GIC) in Hokkaido, Japan (35.7 degrees geomagnetic latitude (GML)), is well correlated with the y-component magnetic field (B-y) (correlation coefficients > 0.8) and poorly correlated with B-x,B-z and dB(x,y,z)/dt . The linear correlation with B-y would help predict the GIC, if we have capabilities of reproducing the magnetosphere-ionosphere currents during space weather disturbances. To validate the linear correlation with B-y for any periods (T) of disturbances, we made correlation analyses for the geomagnetic sudden commencements and pulsations (T = 1-10 min), quasi-periodic DP2 fluctuations (30 min), substorm positive bays (60 min), geomagnetic storms (1-20 h), and quiet-time diurnal variations (8 h). The linear correlation is found to be valid for short periods (cc > 0.8 for T < 1 h) but not for long periods (cc < 0.3 for T > 6 h). To reproduce the GIC with any periods, we constructed one-layer model with uniform conductor and calculated the electric field (IEF) induced by B-y using the convolution of dB(y)/dt and the step response of the conductor. The IEF is found to be correlated with the GIC for long periods (cc > 0.9), while the GIC- B-y correlation remains better for short periods. To improve the model, we constructed a two-layer model with highly conductive upper and less conductive lower layers. The IEF is shown to reproduce the GIC with cc > 0.9 for periods ranging from 1 min to 24 h. The model is applied to the GIC measured at lower latitudes in Japan (25.3 degrees GML) with strong B-y dependence. The mechanism of the strong B-y dependence of the GIC remains an issue, but a possible mechanism for the daytime GIC is due to the zeroth-order transverse magnetic (TM0) mode in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide, by which the ionospheric currents are transmitted from the polar to equatorial ionosphere.
geomagnetically induced current (GIC), middle latitude, polar-equatorial ionospheric currents, TM0 mode in the earth-ionosphere waveguide, induced electric field in the two-layer conductivity model, geomagnetic by dependence of GIC
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