Environmental factors associated with the prevalence of Haemonchus spp in lambs from the central zone of Sinaloa


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Sheep are a species exploited in different areas of production. They are prone to different pathogens, highlighting parasites such as Haemonchus contortus. The prevailing climate and husbandry management practices are considered the main factors driving the spatial and temporal distribution of the nematode. Its distribution is worldwide, causing economic losses due to morbidity and mortality, and prevalence studies have been reported in different countries such as India, Spain, Nigeria, and Mexico; therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the edaphoclimatic factors of the different zones of the municipality of Culiacan and the production system that influence the prevalence of Haemonchus spp. in lambs. The research was carried out in the municipality of Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico, over a period of one year. It was an observational study, which included 23 sheep production units distributed in 10 districts of the municipality, with a total of 1520 samples of feces from animals under 3 months of age. The feces were processed individually by flotation technique. The overall prevalence was 13.42 %, and the autumn season (OR 2.38 (1.69-3.34) P<0.001), valley zone (OR 2.70 (1.21-6.02); P<0.016) and extensive system (OR 4.81 (3.38-6.85); P<0.0001) were risk factors associated with the presence of the nematode in lambs, so they should be considered for the establishment of preventive measures and control of parasitosis.
Haemonchus, prevalence, sheep, risk factor, gastrointestinal nematode
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