Impact of specialized multidisciplinary care on cirrhosis outcomes and acute care utilization


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Background: Multidisciplinary care has the potential to improve outcomes among patients with cirrhosis, yet its impact on this population remains unclear, with existing studies demonstrating discrepant results. Using data from the multidisciplinary outpatient Cirrhosis Care Clinic (CCC) at the University of Alberta Hospital, we aimed to evaluate acute care utilization and survival outcomes of patients followed by the CCC compared with those receiving standard care (SC). Methods: We performed a retrospective chart review of 212 patients with cirrhosis admitted to University of Alberta Hospital between 2014 and 2015. CCC patients (n = 36) were followed through the CCC before index admission. SC patients (n = 176) were managed outside of the CCC. Readmission time in hospital was collected until 1 year, death, or liver transplant. Results: CCC patients had more advanced liver disease (higher prevalence of ascites, encephalopathy, and varices). Despite this, acute care utilization was significantly lower among CCC patients (adjusted length of stay lower by 3 days, p = 0.03, and adjusted survival days spent in hospital lower by 9%, p = 0.02). CCC patients also had improved 1-year transplant-free survival, with an adjusted 1-year relative risk reduction of 53% (p = 0.03). Total mean cost of care was lower in the CCC group by $2,280 per patient-month of life. Discussion: For patients admitted with cirrhosis, specialized post-discharge multidisciplinary outpatient care is associated with decreased acute care utilization, improved 1-year transplant-free survival probability, and the potential for cost savings to the system.
survival, readmission, cost, length of stay, ambulatory Author Affiliation
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