
Discrete Controller Synthesis Applied to Smart Greenhouse.

Sustainable computing(2022)

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The popularization of the Internet of Things allowed the emergence of different monitoring and control solutions in different economic sectors. For example, in agriculture, this type of technology has supported the monitoring of environmental variables essential in decision-making, defining when and how much water to use in a given crop. Besides, it made it possible to control various devices to meet each crop type's environmental requirements, increasing productivity. In this sense, there is a need for increasingly improved control strategies to meet crop requirements in real-time, ensuring sustainable production and reliable quality. This work presents Discrete Event System techniques to develop an agricultural greenhouse controller considering self-configuring mechanisms for adapting to dynamic environments and preventing conflicting rules from violating control objectives. The controller was validated through a simulator based on temperature balance equations, allowing the environment's temperature control. We used accurate climate data from actual Brazilian meteorological stations to evaluate different control scenarios in the year's four seasons, checking the controller's efficiency and the control strategy adopted, guaranteeing the crop's thermal comfort and minimizing water loss. Applying this control technique, we achieved the crop's thermal comfort under 87% of the time, influencing the absolute humidity and evapotranspiration rates over 31 days. Besides, we were also able to reach 66% more energy efficiency than other approaches.
Internet of Things,Discrete controller synthesis,Smart environments
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