
Daily Self-Report of Substance Use Via Text Message Corresponds to Retrospective Assessment in People with HIV Who Use Methamphetamine

Addiction research and theory(2022)

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Abstract Methamphetamine use is highly prevalent among people with HIV (PWH). Substance use is difficult to assess accurately and is often evaluated using a timeline follow-back interview (TLFB). One significant limitation of the TLFB is its long retrospective recall period (e.g. remembering use over a 30-day period). Self-report via text messaging offers a remote and potentially efficacious method of assessing methamphetamine use at a time closer to actual use. The aim of this secondary analysis is to evaluate the concordance between TLFB- and text message-reported methamphetamine use in a sample of 57 PWH; and by neurocognitive impairment status. Daily text messages evaluated methamphetamine use in the previous 24 h. Participants completed a TLFB covering the past 30 days to assess methamphetamine use frequency. There was a significant correlation between TLFB and daily text message reports (ρ = 0.617, p < .001). Results of matched paired t-tests showed comparability in mean reports of methamphetamine use between assessment methods (text-based frequency = 28%, TLFB frequency = 31%; p = .328). Although results approached significance, there were no differences in the neurocognitively impaired group between assessment methods (text message reported frequency = 28%, TLFB reported frequency = 39%; p = .062). Results reveal strong correspondence between TLFB and text message assessment of methamphetamine use. There may be benefits to using text messaging for substance use assessment and opportunities for interventions to improve important health behaviors (e.g. antiretroviral therapy adherence) that are strongly linked to substance use behaviors.
mHealth,methamphetamine,short message service,HIV,AIDS,self-report,mobile phone
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