Moderate exploration risk of Cretaceous reservoir by Seismic inversion and cross plot analysis with GR, central Indus basin, Miano area, Pakistan


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The main purpose of this study is to estimate reservoir prediction. The inversion technique is used to calculate impedance from seismic data. Ambiguity is seen in transforming impedance principles into rock properties like porosity in seismic inversion. A good indication of the reservoir is when there is a high-pitched rise in porosity and low-slung impedance identified. Shale has low impedance like reservoir rock and excellent porosity, therefore, this phenomenon also represents the occurrence of shale. The study is focused on two different features identify reservoir and non-reservoir rocks by cross plot analysis. The technique is used to resolve this ambiguity in which gamma-ray standards are surrounded during porosity prediction from the impedance. Our method prevents misleading the shale points. To achieve the target in the first attempt it requires high exploration costs. Optimization technology innovates higher-value solutions. Exploration risk is mitigated by reservoir prediction through the inversion technique. It involves the change of impedance into quantitative rock properties. The generated cross plot of the attributes are reasonably penetrating to lithology and fluid judgment in the reservoir is used for investigation. GR values with porosity identify the lithology contrast. GR scale for lithology identification of coarser, medium and fine exist in different ranges as given below, (1-35) API for clean sand (45-65), API for poor porosity, (35-45) API for average porosity, (65-75) API for silt, and (>75) API for shale. It noticeably expressions a great level parting of the lithologies as well as the reservoir fluid fillings.
Seismic inversion, Impedance, Reservoir prediction, Cross plot analysis
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