Family participation in school educational innovation processes


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The success of an educational innovation process depends to a large extent on the entire educational community feeling like an integral part of the change. However, families often participate little in these processes. This article aims to determine how they intervene, as well as their level of participation and knowledge in relation to innovation. The research method is quantitative and uses a questionnaire administered to families from various early childhood education centers. The results are classified into three categories: knowledge, participation, and assessment. The findings highlight that the families state that they have a high knowledge of the methodology and a positive assessment regarding innovation. The conclusions indicate that, in relation to the methodology, specific aspects of its long-term benefits are still unknown, data that contrast with the perceptions of families. Although these methodologies are increasingly widespread, it should be noted that, above all, the challenge lies in how to engage families more effectively in processes of innovation to reinforce the positive effects of the changes implemented, as well as the consolidation of these interventions in the centers.
educational innovation, family school relationship, methodology, experimental learning, early childhood education
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