Modulation of Volatile Thiol Release during Fermentation of Red Musts by Wine Yeast


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During the alcoholic fermentation of grape sugars, wine yeast produces a range of secondary metabolites that play a critical role in the aroma profile of wines. One of the most impactful yeast-modified compound families, particularly in white wines, are the 'fruity' polyfunctional thiols, which include 3-mercaptohexan-1-ol (3-MH) and 4-mercapto-4-methylpentan-2-one (4-MMP). While the formation and stylistic contribution of these thiols have been extensively researched in white wines, little is known about the conditions leading to their formation in red wines. In this study, we explored the ability of yeast strains to modulate the release of these aroma compounds during the fermentation of two red musts. In laboratory-scale Pinot Noir fermentations, the formation of 3-MH strongly correlated with yeast beta-lyase activity, particularly with the presence of certain genotypes of the flavour-releasing gene IRC7. Subsequent production of Grenache wine at the pilot scale, with detailed compositional and sensory analysis, was undertaken to confirm laboratory-scale observations. A commercial wine strain used for expressing 'fruity' thiols in Sauvignon Blanc was shown to produce wines that exhibited more intense red fruit aromas. These results reveal an opportunity for winemakers to shape red wine aroma and flavour by using yeasts that might typically be considered for white wine production.
yeast, wine, sulphur, aroma, thiols
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