
Chemical Preparation of New Ti3C2 MXene and the Performance and Mechanism of Memristor Based on MXene

Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica(2022)

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Resistive switching devices have the advantage that the resistance can be repeatedly regulated between two or more resistance states. As a new resistive switching device, a memristor has abundant resistance states that can be continuously tuned. In recent years, memristors have been extensively studied for emerging nonvolatile memories and in the construction of neuromorphic systems owing to their simple two-terminal structure, high integration, and low operating voltage compared with those of traditional metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors. However, their application is limited owing to their relatively poor reliability. Recently, several studies have shown that two-dimensional materials such as graphene oxide can optimize the memristor performance. A new two-dimensional material, MXene, also exhibits special mechanical and electrical properties that show promise for use in memristors owing to its two-dimensional layered structure similar to that of graphene. MXene is a two-dimensional transition metal carbide/nitride of the form Mn+1Xn, where M is an early transition metal and X is carbon or nitrogen. Its other characteristics such as hydrophilic surfaces and ultrahigh metal conductivity (6000-8000 have been studied, and it has been applied to energy storage devices and electronic devices such as supercapacitors and secondary batteries. However, the application of MXene in resistive devices has been rarely investigated, especially for memristors. In this study, we prepared Ti3C2 powder by etching layered compounds of Ti3AlC2 with a mixture of HCl and HF. Next, Ti3C2 film was introduced into the memristor structure by spin-coating. The physical characteristics of Ti3C2 were investigated and analyzed by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy, and a memristor with Cu/Ti3C2/SiO2/W structure was fabricated. In this structure, Ti3C2 and SiO2 were introduced as resistive layers, and related electrical properties were investigated. Under dual DC voltage sweeping, the typical switching characteristic curves of the memristor were measured. Moreover, the repeatability and stability of high-and low-resistance states were investigated and analyzed, respectively. The experimental results show that the device can maintain stable high- and low-resistance states for > 10(4) s during 100 dual-voltage sweeping cycles. In addition, the device can be regulated by a pulse voltage and realize typical paired-pulse facilitation that is similar to biological synapses. This work proved that the Cu/Ti3C2/SiO2/W memristor has huge potential for application in the construction of emerging memory devices and artificial neuromorphic systems.
Resistive switching device,Memristor,Wet etching,MXene,Conductive performance,Conductive mechanism
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