Genomic evidence for host-associated differentiation in an animal parasite, Dermacentor variabilis, the American dog tick


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The process responsible for the formation of genetically distinct populations associated with different host species is known as host-associated differentiation (HAD). Many insect parasites of plants have been shown to exhibit HAD but there have been fewer studies of HAD in parasites of vertebrate animals. Previous to this study, HAD has been documented in at least three species of ticks. The American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis (Say) (Acari: Ixodidae) was chosen as the focal species for this study due to its importance as the vector of tularemia and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Previous population genetic studies of this tick found the existence of various haplotypes but the tick's host origins were unknown. In this study, ticks were collected from 15 vertebrate host species to test for HAD using single nuclear polymorphisms (SNPs). In total, 136 individual D. variabilis ticks were sequenced using ddRADseq. Genomic evidence was found to point to D. variabilis exhibiting HAD on eight different hosts. A STRUCTURE analysis showed that the highest posterior probability was obtained with a population size of eight and these populations correlated with host species. Pairwise F-ST values were as high as 0.622 and indicated a range of genetic distinction between host groups. In addition, ticks collected from the vegetation appeared as one homogenous distinct genotype suggesting the existence of nidicolous (nest dwelling) and non-nidicolous genotypes. The identification of host race formation occurring in this animal parasite has implications for the understanding of D. variabilis pathogen transmission and targeted control efforts because genetically distinct populations can differ in traits relevant to these applications.
Acari, Dermacentor variabilis, genetic differentiation, HAD, host races, host-associated differentiation, Ixodidae, population genetics, SNPs, vector, parasite, American dog tick
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