
Quasi-Mapping and Satisfying IoT Availability with a Penalty-Based Algorithm


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The Internet of things and medical things (IoT) and (IoMT) technologies have been deployed to simplify humanity’s life, which the complexity of communications between their layers was increased by rising joining the applications to IoT and IoMT-based infrastructures. The issue is challenging for decision-making and the quality of service where some researchers addressed the reward-based methods to tackle the problems by employing reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms and deep neural networks (DNNs). Nevertheless, satisfying its availability remains a challenge for the quality of service due to the lack of imposing a penalty to the defective devices after detecting faults. This paper proposes a quasi-mapping method to transfer the roles of sensors and services onto a neural network’s nodes to satisfy IoT-based applications’ availability using a penalty-backwarding approach into the NN’s weights and prunes weak neurons and synaptic weights (SWs). We reward the sensors and fog services, and the connection weights between them when are covered the defective nodes’ output. Additionally, this work provides a decision-making approach to dedicate the suitable service to the requester using employing a threshold value in the NN’s output layer according to the application. By providing an intelligent algorithm, the study decides to provide a service based on its availability and updating initial information, including faulty devices and new joined components. The observations and results prove decision-making accuracy for different IoT-based applications by approximately 95.8–97% without imposing the cost. The study reduces energy consumption and delay by approximately 64.71% and 47.4% compared without using neural networks besides creating service availability. This idea affects deploying IoT infrastructures to decision-making about providing appropriate services in critical situations because of removing defective devices and joining new components by imposing penalties and rewards by the designer, respectively.
quasi-mapping,Internet of things (IoT),neural network (NN),availability,penalty,decision-making,pruning
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