
Vegetation change in the forests between the Elbe and Havel rivers (NE Germany) from 1960 to 2015

Kerstin Guenther,Marcus Schmidt, Heinz Quitt,Thilo Heinken


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Forest ecosystems are subject to a variety of influences such as forest management, nitrogen deposition, changes in the groundwater level or the immigration of invasive species. The repetition of historical releves is an important means of documenting the resulting changes in plant communities and determining their main drivers. In 2015, we examined the vegetation change in 140 semi-permanent plots in managed forests in the Elbe valley in the NE German lowlands (Saxony-Anhalt, Brandenburg). The first survey took place from 1956 to 1963. The releves cover an almost uniquely broad spectrum of different site conditions, ranging from wet forests (alluvial, swamp and bog forests of Alnion incanae, Alnion glutinosae and Betulion pubescentis) to acidic mixed oak forests (Quercion roboris) up to acidic, mostly dry pine forests with different nutrient status (Dicrano-Pinion). We analyzed the changes in the vegetation with the help of forest stand data, winner and loser species, alpha- and beta-diversity as well as the Ellenberg indicator values for nitrogen, reaction, moisture and light. In contrast to previous resurvey studies, areas were also taken into account on which a complete change of forest stand had taken place before the second survey. Particularly in the wet forests and acidic forests with a moderately good nutrient supply, changes in the main tree species have been recorded, and many pine stands have been newly established in the meantime. The species richness has decreased overall and in almost all forest types, but the beta-diversity has remained unchanged or has increased. The Ellenberg values indicate a decrease in soil moisture in the wet forests, while the acidic pine forests in particular have become darker, richer in nutrients and more humid. The number of loser species is more than twice as high as that of the winner species, but with different developments in the individual forest types. In particular, the wet forests, the acidic mixed oak forests and the lichen-pine forests have lost most of their characteristic species. The resurvey after more than 50 years shows a different development of the individual forest types. Vegetation changes in the wet forests are mainly due to local groundwater level drawdown and the resulting increased availability of nutrients. The alluvial forests were also strongly influenced by forest interventions. The reasons for the trend towards more humid and more nutrient-rich conditions in formerly dry acidic pine and oak forests are nitrogen depositions and a succession after the abandonment of historical forms of forest use (litter raking, forest pasture). Although the individual forest types have developed differently, eutrophication, falling groundwater levels and silviculture are the most important causes for the changes in vegetation. Silvicultural interventions such as clear cutting and stand conversion with a change of tree species are at the same time the main reason why the vegetation has not been homogenized despite the leveling of the site gradient as measured by the beta-diversity.
environmental gradient,eutrophication,falling groundwater level,homogenisation,phytodiversity,silviculture,vegetation change
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