Directly Visualizing Photoinduced Renormalized Momentum-Forbidden Electronic Quantum States in an Atomically Thin Semiconductor

ACS NANO(2022)

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esolving the momentum degree of freedom of photoexcited charge carriers and exploring the excited-state physics in the hexagonal Brillouin zone of atomically thin semiconductors have recently attracted great interest for optoelectronic technologies. We demonstrate a combination of light-modulated scanning tunneling microscopy and the quasiparticle interference (QPI) technique to offer a directly accessible approach to reveal and quantify the unexplored momentum-forbidden electronic quantum states in transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) monolayers. Our QPI results affirm the large spin-splitting energy at the spin-valleycoupled Q valleys in the conduction band (CB) of a tungsten disulfide monolayer. Furthermore, we also quantify the photoexcited carrier density-dependent band renormalization at the Q valleys. Our findings directly highlight the importance of the excited-state distribution at the Q valley in the band renormalization in TMDs and support the critical role of the CB Q valley in engineering the quantum electronic valley degree of freedom in TMD devices.
engineering quantum degree atomically thin semiconductors, transition metal dichalcogenides, momentum degree of freedom, band renormalization, scanning tunneling microscopy, quasiparticle interference technique
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