Two-dimensional Dirac nodal-line semimetal protected by symmetry


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Dirac nodal line semimetals (DNLSs) host relativistic quasiparticles in their one-dimensional (1D) Dirac nodal line (DNL) bands that are protected by certain crystalline symmetries. Their novel low-energy fermion quasiparticle excitations and transport properties invite studies of relativistic physics in the solid state where their linearly dispersing Dirac bands cross at continuous lines with four-fold degeneracy. In materials studied up to now, the four-fold degeneracy, however, has been vulnerable to suppression by the ubiquitous spin-orbit coupling (SOC). Despite the current effort to discover 3D DNLSs that are robust to SOC by theory, positive experimental evidence is yet to emerge. In 2D DNLSs, because of the decreased total density of states as compared with their 3D counterparts, it is anticipated that their physical properties would be dominated by the electronic states defined by the DNL. It has been even more challenging, however, to discover robust 2D DNLSs against SOC because of their lowered symmetry; no such materials have yet been predicted by theory. By combining molecular beam epitaxy growth, STM, nc-AFM characterisation, with DFT calculations and space group theory analysis, here we reveal a novel class of 2D crystalline DNLSs that host the exact symmetry that protects them against SOC. The discovered quantum material is a brick phase 3-AL Bi(110), whose symmetry protection and thermal stability are imparted by the compressive vdW epitaxial growth on black phosphorus substrates. The BP substrate templates the growth of 3-AL Bi(110) nano-islands in a non-symmorphic space group structure. This crystalline symmetry protects the DNL electronic phase against SOC independent of any orbital or elemental factors. We theoretically establish that this intrinsic symmetry imparts a general, robust protection of DNL in a series of isostructural 2D quantum materials.
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