Global-Local Feature Enhancement Network for Robust Object Detection using mmWave Radar and Camera

IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)(2022)

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Object detection with camera has achieved promising results using deep learning methods, but it suffers degraded performance under adverse conditions (e.g., foggy weather, poor illumination). To remedy this, some recent studies resort to leveraging the complementary mmWave radar, which is less affected by adverse conditions, and designing effective fusion methods. However, the existing early fusion methods are vulnerable to data noise, while the existing late fusion methods ignore the association of object information between feature maps in the early stage. To overcome these shortcomings, we propose a Global-Local Feature Enhancement Network (GLE-Net), a two-stage deep fusion detector, which first generates anchors from two sensors and uses an auxiliary module to locally enhance the single-branch missing proposals, and then fuses the global features from the multimodal sensors to improve final detection results. We collect two datasets under foggy weather and poor illumination conditions with diverse scenes, and conduct extensive experiments, verifying that the proposed GLE-Net surpasses other state-of-the-art methods in terms of Average Precision (AP).
object detection,mmWave radar,auxiliary module,global-local fusion,deep learning
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