
Stressors and Acceptability of Services among Black Caregivers of Persons with Memory Problems

Journal of gerontological nursing(2022)

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The purpose of the current study was to identify stressors of Black family caregivers (FCGs) of persons with memory problems (PWMPs), services of interest, and barriers to use of these services. Black FCGs were recruited from the Alzheimer's family program at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and affiliated geriatric clinics, media sources, and word-of-mouth referrals. Of 38 Black FCGs interviewed, 26 (68%) were female, 18 (47%) were employed, and 21 (55%) were adult children. Average age of FCGs was 52.11 years. Mean scores for the AD8 Dementia Screening Scale (mean = 13.95, SD = 2.17) and Clinical Dementia Scale Sum of Boxes (mean = 7.29, SD = 0.87) were higher than clinical cutoffs. The most common stressors for Black FCGs were PWMPs' inability to remember who they were, managing care recipients' financial affairs, and managing PWMPs' comorbid conditions. FCGs were most interested in educational material regarding treatment and diagnosis (55.3%), caring for people with dementia (52.6%), understanding dementia (52.6%), and financial/legal services (52.6%). FCGs stated that transportation difficulties and the need for a relief person were barriers to use of services. Results suggest that Black FCGs may be more likely to participate in interventions that include virtual conferencing modalities. [Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 48(6), 13-18.].
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