Deconstructing cold-induced brown adipocyte neogenesis in mice


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Cold exposure triggers neogenesis in classic interscapular brown adipose tissue (iBAT) that involves activation of beta 1-adrenergic receptors, proliferation of PDGFRA+ adipose tissue stromal cells (ASCs), and recruitment of immune cells whose phenotypes are presently unknown. Single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) in mice identified three ASC subpopulations that occupied distinct tissue locations. Of these, interstitial ASC1 were found to be direct precursors of new brown adipocytes (BAs). Surprisingly, knockout of beta 1-adrenergic receptors in ASCs did not prevent cold-induced neogenesis, whereas pharmacological activation of the beta 3-adrenergic receptor on BAs was sufficient, suggesting that signals derived from mature BAs indirectly trigger ASC proliferation and differentiation. In this regard, cold exposure induced the delayed appearance of multiple macrophage and dendritic cell populations whose recruitment strongly correlated with the onset and magnitude of neogenesis across diverse experimental conditions. High-resolution immunofluorescence and single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization demonstrated that cold-induced neogenesis involves dynamic interactions between ASC1 and recruited immune cells that occur on the micrometer scale in distinct tissue regions. Our results indicate that neogenesis is not a reflexive response of progenitors to beta-adrenergic signaling, but rather is a complex adaptive response to elevated metabolic demand within brown adipocytes.
adipose stromal cells,brown adipose tissue,cell biology,immune cells,mouse,plasticity,single-cell RNA-seq
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