Changes in the Number of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Bone Marrow at Different Periods after In Vivo Exposure of the Bone Marrow to Local Infrared Laser Radiation

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine(2022)

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We determined optimal parameters of bone marrow (BM) irradiation in vivo for rapid increase in the number of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) at the initial stages of the culturing without changing the karyotype, polyploidy, which are observed at higher passages. Such an increase is necessary to achieve the required number of cells at the initial passages for subsequent transplantation into the body. It was shown that after irradiation with λ=0.97 μm, the maximum and similar increase in the content of BM MSC in comparison with the control (by 2.4 times) was observed on day 2 in the irradiated and contralateral tibia. An insignificant difference in the number of BM MSC for the irradiated and contralateral tibia remained at all terms after irradiation, with a general decrease in the number of BM MSC up to 21 days. After laser irradiation with λ=1.56 μm, the maximum number of BM MSC was also observed on day 2. In this case, the concentration of these cells in the irradiated and contralateral limbs exceeded the control by 3.1 and 1.7 times, respectively. With increasing the time after exposure, the number of BM MSC in both limbs showed the same tendency to a decrease as after irradiation at λ=0.97 μm.
bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BM MSC),fractional thermal laser exposure,BM MSC stimulation
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