A spectral study on the plume induced by femtosecond laser ablation of lithium niobate in vacuum

Optical Materials(2022)

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The plasma plume induced by femtosecond laser ablation of lithium niobate in vacuum is studied by spectroscopy. The spectra of the plasma plume consist of a continuous spectrum and four apparent spectral lines. The spectral intensity varies with the distance from sample's surface. The peak of continuous spectral intensity is at a distance of z = 0.4 mm, while there are two peaks for spectral lines, which are at z = 0.4 mm and z = 0.8 mm respectively. After deconvoluted by a Gaussian function with a FWHM of 0.5 nm, the spectral lines are well fitted by the Voigt function. The electron density Ne and the electron temperature Te are respectively derived by using Stark-broadening method and Boltzmann plot method. It is surprising that the peaks of Ne and Te of plasma plume are at z = 0.4 mm and z = 0.8 mm respectively, which is consistent with the intensity peaks of spectra. A two-flows model is introduced as a possible explanation for the formation mechanism of the plasma plume. The electron cloud with a high speed, which is ejected firstly, pulls the nonequilibrium ion plume to accelerate and encounters the ion plume at z = 0.8 mm, forming the plasma plume with the highest temperature. The dynamics of nonequilibrium plume near the surface is deduced to be responsible for the surprising phenomenon.
Femtosecond laser ablation,Laser-induced plasma plume,Spectroscopy
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