
Distinct airway progenitor cells drive epithelial heterogeneity in the developing human lung


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Recent advances using single cell genomic approaches have identified new epithelial cell types and uncovered cellular heterogeneity in the murine and human lung ([1][1]). Here, using scRNA-seq and microscopy we identify and describe a secretory-like cell that is enriched in the small airways of the developing human lung and identified by the unique co-expression of SCGB3A2/SFTPB/CFTR . To place these cells in the hierarchy of airway development, we apply a single cell barcode-based lineage tracing method track the fate of SCGB3A2/SFTPB/CFTR cells during airway organoid differentiation in vitro ([2][2]). Lineage tracing revealed that these cells have distinct developmental potential from basal cells, giving rise predominantly to pulmonary neuroendocrine cells (PNECs) and a subset of multiciliated cells distinguished by high C6 and low MUC16 expression. We conclude that SCGB3A2/SFTPB/CFTR cells act as a progenitor cell contributing to the cellular diversity and heterogeneity in the developing human airway. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The current study identifies a novel secretory cell type that is present predominantly in the small airway of the developing human lung. These secretory cells are defined by co-expression of SCGB3A2/SFTPB/CFTR , and functional studies show that this cell gives rise to pulmonary neuroendocrine cells and a sub-population of multiciliated cells, thereby leading to cellular heterogeneity. ### Competing Interest Statement JRS and AJM hold intellectual property pertaining to lung organoid technologies. [1]: #ref-1 [2]: #ref-2
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