
Flexible Chalcogenide Glass Large-Core Multimode Fibers for Hundred-Watt-level Mid-Infrared 2-5 Μm Laser Transmission.

Optics express(2022)

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The rapidly-developed high-power mid-infrared 2-5 µm laser technology requires a compact, flexible low-loss glass fiber for power delivery or laser generation. With the broadest bandwidth of low-loss transmission window in mid-infrared region amongst all mid-infrared glass fibers, chalcogenide glass fiber is the best candidate covering the whole 2-5 µm range. Multi-hundred-watt high-power delivery for 5.4-µm CO laser was previously demonstrated in a multimode chalcogenide fiber with a 1-mm-diameter large core, at the cost of giving up one of the most desirable fiber advantages, the flexibility. Indeed, chalcogenide glass fibers with decent flexibility have never exhibited hundred-watt-level power transmitting capability in the 2-5 µm range. In this paper, we have experimentally demonstrated 100-watt-level power transmission in multimode As2S3 chalcogenide fibers, using a customized high-power 2-µm thulium doped silica fiber laser source. With effective forced cooling, the multimode As2S3 fiber with 200 µm core diameter can resist incident laser power of 120 W and deliver transmitted power of 63 W. Nano-sized scattering center related laser damage mechanism and the cylindrical heat transfer model have been proposed to explain the high-power damage process of chalcogenide glass fibers. The calculation is in good agreement with the experiments. It is promising to further enhance the transmitted power above 100 W in flexible chalcogenide glass large-core fibers.
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