Field experiments to operationalize in situ burning as a response method in Norwegian waters

Hans V. Jensen,Jan Willie Holbu, Hanne Solem Holt,Liv-Guri Faksness

International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings(2021)

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NOFO (Norwegian Clean Seas Association for Operating Companies) and NCA (Norwegian Coastal Administration) are cooperating closely to operationalize in situ burning as a response method in Norwegian waters. After introductory experiments during Oil on water 2016 together with S. L. Ross and SINTEF, NOFO and NCA have conducted in situ burn experiments in fire booms during Oil on water 2018 and 2019. These experiments included use of net to capture burn residue, igniters to start the fire when dropped from a multicopter drone, use of sensor packages from multicopter drones to monitor fire gases and soot in various parts of the smoke plume, and finally personnel in work boats taking surface samples and operating sensors to identify gases that might be hazardous to people. Both crude oil and fuel oils were burned, approximately 6 m3 for each burn. To our knowledge such field experiments have not been carried out before. The presentation will focus on operational aspects including photos and video footage, but also refer some findings from sensors and samples that might be hazardous to the environment as well as personnel.
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