
The content of heavy metals in the water of Lake Gusinoe (Western Transbaikalia) and its tributaries

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science(2021)

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Abstract Investigation of the transformation of substances in the basin of the Selenga River, the main tributary of Lake Baikal, due to anthropogenic impact under conditions of global climate change, is especially important for Lake Baikal which is a World Natural Heritage Site and the main source of fresh drinking water not only in the region, but also in the world. One of the key research objects in the Selenga River basin, which is subject to significant anthropogenic impact, is the ecosystem of Lake Gusinoe. This study presents the results of analysis of the physical and chemical parameters of the water mass of Gusinoe Lake basin. for the period from 2017 to 2020. Thus, the results on hydrochemical indicators for a long-term period of research of the lake show changes in the chemical composition of water and the concentration of main ions. In 2020, the content of almost all metals was higher than in 2017-2020, which may be due to the rise in the level of Lake Gusinoe and groundwater that began in 2019 and continued in 2020, as a result of rain floods that caused flooding of the coastal territories and the entry of pollutants into watercourses and the lake.
lake gusinoe,western transbaikalia,heavy metals
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