Potential Eruption and Current Activity of Anak Krakatau Volcano, Indonesia

Kristianto, N Indrastuti,A Basuki, H D Purnamasari, S Adi, C Patria, N Haerani

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science(2021)

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Abstract Anak Krakatau Volcano is located in the Sunda Strait known for its paroxysmal eruption in 1883. During the January - November 2019 period, seismicity was dominated by types of quakes which indicated the occurrence of magma supply (VA and VB), near-surface volcanic activity (LF, Hybrid, Harmonic Tremors), and volcanic activity above the volcanic surface (eruptions, emission, and continuous tremors). In the period December 2019 - July 2020, there was an increase in the types of quakes near the surface (LF, Hybrid) and the types of quakes on the surface (emission and continuous tremors). Volcanic deformation monitors changes in tilt over the 2019-2020 period associated with pressure releases before, during and after the eruption. The results of GPS data modeling, the shallow pressure source is at a depth of 0.22 km below sea level. Volcanic activity until July 2020 was dominated by activity near and above the volcanic surface associated with the growth of lava domes. The volcanic system of Anak Krakatau is currently an open system, with the potential for eruptions. Strengthening the early warning system for the eruption of Anak Krakatau is important in mitigating efforts and understanding its eruption potential
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