
Yeni Koronavirüs Salgını Kapanma Süreci Nedeniyle İnfertilite Tedavisi Ertelenen Hastaların Psikolojik Durumları

Acta Medica Alanya(2021)

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Aim: In this study, we planned to examine the psychological status of patients who were required to postpone their infertility treatment, by means of an online survey.Methods: Sixty patients who were in the follow-up were informed and an access link of online survey, which included questions about age, infertility status, Beck’s depression inventory(BDI) and Hamilton’s anxiety rating scale (HAM-A), were sent to them. Three different grouping systems were used based on (i-) age, (ii-) fertility treatment status and (iii-) indications for assisted reproduction technology treatment.Results: Mean scores of BDI and HAM-A in the whole group were 39.2(25-67) and 22.1(11-45), respectively. In the evaluation of survey scores according to indications of fertility treatment, BDI scores were between 34.2-44.7 and there was no statistical significance between the groups (p:0.182). HAM-A scores were between 18.7-38.0 and there was no statistical significance between the groups (p:0.185). In addition, there was no statistical significance between groups for BDI and HAM-A (p: 0.962 and 0.423, respectively) according to patients’ ART treatment status at the time the 2019-nCoV outbreak began in our country.Conclusion: Infertile patients will be more prone to depression and anxiety, and it should be noted that potential treatment postponements may increase their depression and anxiety.
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