
A Hospital based cross sectional study to find out factors associated with disease severity and length of hospital stay in COVID-19 patients in Tertiary Care Hospital of Ahmedabad city

Arpit Chelabhai Prajapati,Mansi Maulik Patel, Hardika Jamanadas Khanpara, Rujul Pankajbhai Shukla,Donald Shailendra Christian, Ashaben kacharabhai Solanki,Disha Rajeshbhai Geriya

Indian Journal of Community Health(2021)

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Background: Tertiary hospital care may vary from isolation bed ward care to high dependency units (HDUs) with oxygen support to intensive care unit (ICU) where patients may be intubated for mechanical ventilation The major risk factors for severe disease are age more than 60 years and underlying diseases like diabetes, hypertension. COVID-19 patients present at varying levels of severity. Understanding how long patients hospitalized with COVID-19 remain in hospital is critical for planning. Objectives: 1. To determine risk factors associated with disease severity 2. To determine risk factors associated with length of hospital stay in COVID-19 patients 3. To study the disease outcome Material & Methods: This was retrospective record-based study of inpatients with COVID-19 at Tertiary Care Hospital of Ahmedabad City. All patients admitted at tertiary care hospital diagnosed with COVID-19 between April 2020 to June, 2020, were included in present study. Inclusion criteria were all COVID-19 patients admitted at tertiary care hospital during the duration of April 2020 to June 2020. Results: A total of 916 COVID-19 patients were included in the study. Out of 916 total admitted patients 526 (57.4%) were male. 174 (19%) patients having one or more comorbidities like diabetes, hypertension, tuberculosis, heart diseases etc. Total 769 discharged (83.9%), 115 deaths (12.6%) and 32 transferred to other COVID-19 hospital (3.5%) out of total 916 patients admitted during study period. Conclusion: Severity of disease and deaths were associated with age and comorbidities. COVID-19 patients with comorbidities have more deteriorating outcomes compared with patients without.
hospital stay,tertiary care hospital,disease severity,tertiary care
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