Ethics of First-in-Human Transplantation Trials of Bioartificial Organs

Dide de Jongh, Eline Bunnik, Emma Massey

Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Bioethica(2021)

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"The most effective treatment for type 1 diabetes is transplantation of either a whole pancreas from a deceased donor or islet cells derived from multiple deceased donors. However, transplantation has several limitations, including shortage of post-mortem donors and the need for post-transplant patients to use life-long immunosuppressive medication. In the last decade, the field of regenerative medicine has combined engineering and biological technologies in the attempt to regenerate organs. The European VANGUARD project aims to develop immune-protected bioartificial pancreases for transplantation into non-immunosuppressed type 1 diabetic patients. This project is creating a ‘combination product’ using cells and tissue from a variety of sources, including placentas and deceased donors. The clinical development of this complex product raises ethical questions for first-in-human (FIH) clinical trials. Under what conditions can bio-artificial organs safely are transplanted in humans for the first time? How can patients be selected, recruited and informed responsibly? In this presentation, we investigate the ethical conditions for clinical trials of bio-engineered organs, focusing inter alia on study design, subject selection, risk-benefit assessment, and informed consent. We present the results of a review of the literature on the ethics of clinical trials in regenerative medicine, cell and gene therapy and transplantation, and specify existing ethical guidance in the context of FIH transplantation trials of bioartificial organs. We conclude that this new and innovative area at the intersection of regenerative medicine, cell and gene therapy and transplantation requires adequate consideration of the ethical issues in order to guide responsible research and clinical implementation. "
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