
Effectiveness of Agricultural Extension Services in Reducing Poverty of Apple Growers of District Bagh, Azad Jammu and Kashmir

Sana Javeid,Khalid Nawab

Sarhad Journal of Agriculture(2021)

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A griculture is an important pathway for the rural poor to move out of poverty (WB, 2008).Commitment to rural development has been reaffirmed with the adoption of sustainable development goal 1 and 2, which aim to end poverty and hunger by 2030 respectively (UN, 2015).Agricultural growth can stimulate economic growth and reduce poverty in developing countries.Globally, poverty has been dropped during the last thirty years, and credit for this achievement goes to agriculture growth (WB, 2008;Dewbre et al., 2011).Similarly, Bigsten et al. (2003); Amalu, (2005) explained that, to reduce poverty or increase household income, it is fundamental that economic policies must be strategies oriented to promote rapid rural economic growth.Hence, for expanding the growing capacity of the agriculture sector, agriculture extension is a significant Abstract | The current research study was conducted to determine poverty levels of apple orchard growers and association of different extension services with poverty in district Bagh, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJ&K).Primary data from 306 respondents were collected using multistage simple random sampling techniques.The data were collected using an interview schedule; analysis were carried out by using cross-tabulation, frequency counts, percentages through Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).To measure the poverty level of apple orchard growers, poverty score card was employed.In addition, bivariate analysis was used to examine relationship between various extension practices and poverty.Results of the study revealed that majority (60.1%) of the respondents were non-poor, out of which 90.8% received extension services.Furthermore, out of the non-poor category, 58.7% were visited by the extension agents occasionally.However, 27.2% were contacted by holding group meetings and 25% through home/farm visits.Likewise, 49.5% from non-poor category were empowered in the course of community empowerment and 66.8% attended trainings arranged by extension agents.In addition, out of all poor categories least number of growers (4.9%) were found extremely poor and 10.5% in the transitory non-poor category.The association of extension services, visits paid by the extension agents, extension contact methods, strategies and trainings showed significant relationship with poverty.Hence, it is recommended that efforts are needed to regularize all extension activities for poverty reduction in the study area.
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