“With or without you”: Relationships and taking stock of their influence on work identity

Academy of Management Proceedings(2021)

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“Who we are” at work is heavily influenced by not only “with whom” we work but also “with whom” we share our lives (Ashforth, Rogers, & Corley, 2011; Sluss & Ashforth, 2007). Across five (5) papers, we draw from a vast assortment of contexts to explore how intra-work and extra-work relationships influence a wide array of identity and identification processes – working mothers, “number 2” organizational roles, interrelating differences that negatively influence identification processes, striving for a committed personal relationship, and finally, the leader—follower role relationship. The collective findings indicate that relational identity dynamics create a strong theoretical base upon which to explore and understand how organizational members make sense of and behave within the organizational context. Together, these papers extend our understanding and generate fresh new research directions on how both intra-work and extra-work relationships influence our identity and identification at work. How eclipsed figures construct identities while working in the shadow of high-powered leaders Presenter: Liza Yasemin Barnes; U. of Colorado, Boulder Presenter: Christina Noelle Lacerenza; U. of Colorado, Boulder Presenter: Sabrina DeeAnn Volpone; U. of Colorado, Boulder With you I’m better (maybe): Leader relational identification meta-analysis Presenter: David Sluss; Georgia Institute of Technology Presenter: Yufei Zhong; Georgia Institute of Technology Presenter: Katie Badura; Georgia Institute of Technology Relational Diversity in Organizations Presenter: Natalie Longmire; Tulane U. Presenter: Timothy J. Vogus; Vanderbilt U. Presenter: Adrienne Colella; Tulane U. How primary work identities respond to desired relational possible selves Presenter: Carrie Oelberger; U. of Minnesota Relational Identity Formation During Identity Transitions: Evidence from Reentry of Working Mothers Presenter: Dana McDaniel Sumpter; Pepperdine Graziadio Business School Presenter: Danna Greenberg; Babson College Presenter: Emily Rosado-Solomon; California State U., Long Beach
work identity,relationships,influence
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