
Information Support as a Way to Improve Lifestyle Modification Adherence

Andrey F. Tarasevich, Igor G. Kobzar, Elena V. Strokova

Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine(2021)

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The treatment compliance of cardiovascular and metabolic patients is one of the topical issues of modern medicine. Nowadays thereare not many effective interventions, which could increase adherence of patients to administered treatment. Aim. To determine the effectiveness of the program for correcting the eating behavior and physical activity of participants against thebackground of long-term informational support by the doctor, based on the analysis of the clinical and laboratory data dynamics, dailyreports of participants on the performed physical, control stress lactate tests and on the quality of life assessment. Material and methods. An open-label prospective study involved volunteers with a high body mass index (BMI), irrational diets,chronic self-imposed sleep deprivation and hypodynamia. Relevant blood chemistry values and microbiota were measured at thebeginning and at the end of the study; fasting glycemia, eating behavior and physical exercises were monitored on a daily basis. For 6months, the information support and comprehensive rehabilitation aimed at the lifestyle modification were provided. Results. At the end of the program, a reliable positive dynamics of body weight was recorded in 18 volunteers from 20% or more, ineight people – a decrease in body weight amounted to 20% of the laboratory indicators. When comparing studied laboratory indicatorsof 0-6 months, a statistically significant reduction in such indicators was obtained as a serum glucose concentration (median 5.8 VS4.4 mmol / l, p <0.01), homocysteine (median 8,9 VS 7, 7 μmol / l, p <0,01), atherogenic index (median 2.5 VS 2.4, p <0.05), with increasein vitamin D3 concentration (median 21,5 VS 54.9 ng / ml, p <0.01) in patients, compared to the indicators before complex rehabilitation.A statistically significant (p <0.01) improvement in well-being was recorded on all scales of the SF-36 quality of life questionnaire,which remained in dynamics a year after the program is completed. Conclusion. Permanent training, discrete screening and episodic treatment, implemented in programs of information support forlifestyle modification, can be considered as an effective method of involving an individual in the process of personalized health preservationand improvement and, ultimately, the population as a whole.
lifestyle modification adherence,support,information
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