
Bullying and Its Effect on Mental Wellbeing of the Students: A Case Study in Two Different Schools

Discoveries Reports(2020)

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Background: Bullying can be a major problem for many children at most schools. Traditionally, bullying is associated with lower academic achievements and generally lower life satisfaction in a child’s primary years of life. Previous studies exploring the effects of bullying on positive psychological constructs of a child have shown varying results. Objectives: This study is aimed to analyze the degree of bullying in two different schools of Lahore and evaluate its effect on the positive mental wellbeing of the students of each institution. Methods: 381 participants were selected from two schools of Lahore, Pakistan: Sacred Heart Convent and Ibne Sina College. The students selected were from grades 6 to 10. The severity of bullying was analyzed by using a questionnaire designed using the Victimization Scale and the WHO-5 Scale. The scores were calculated for each school and the results were compared for victimization and positive mental wellbeing. Results: The mean score for victimization was 8.90 at the Ibne Sina College and 5.89 at the Sacred Heart Convent, which means the incidence of bullying was higher at Ibne Sina College. According to WHO Wellbeing Index, the mental wellbeing was also higher at Ibne Sina College, with 60.7% of students reporting a score higher than 13, as compared to 48.6% from Sacred Heart Convent. Conclusion: These results suggest that in Pakistan, the rate of traditional bullying is higher among students of co-educational school i.e., students of both genders in the same school or college, however, they also report higher general happiness and lower risk for depression. Irrespectively, there is a need to incorporate the promotion of anti-bullying programs and promote positive health as an integral part of the curriculums in school.
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