Considering Trust Parameters the Evolution Model of Network Negative Emotion under Public Emergencies

Proceedings of the 2020 4th International Conference on Electronic Information Technology and Computer Engineering(2020)

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This paper discusses the evolution mechanism of network negative emotions under the influence of trust of different groups. This study is for the government public opinion management department to scientifically grasp the network bad mood. It is beneficial for the government to formulate effective guidance strategies to provide theoretical support. In this paper, trust parameters of different groups are entered into SIR model. The transformation mechanism between different groups is improved. An evolution model is constructed for network groups with negative emotions under public emergencies that considered trust parameters. Simulation results show that there is a significant correlation between the network group with negative emotions and the trust parameters of different groups in the system. Government departments should timely grasp the proportion of network infected with negative emotions. Effective guidance measures should be formulated to increase the government trust of susceptible groups(S) and reduce the discredit of Recover groups(R), so as to fundamentally reduce the spread of negative emotions in network groups and eliminate negative emotions in the network.
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