Barrier bucket gymnastics and transversely split proton beams: Performance at the CERN Proton and Super Proton Synchrotrons

Physical review accelerators and beams(2022)

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During the 2018 proton run, a new radio-frequency beam manipulation has been studied and successfully implemented at the CERN Proton Synchrotron (PS) for the first time. This technique is used to deplete a well-defined fraction of a continuous longitudinal beam distribution by creating a so-called barrier bucket. We propose a new application of the barrier bucket gymnastics in the multiturn extraction scheme used at CERN. These two exotic techniques are combined into a highly sophisticated procedure that dramatically reduces the beam losses at PS extraction, thus paving the way to high-intensity proton beams for future fixed-target experiments at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS). In this paper, the expected performance of the PS and SPS is analyzed in detail to define a road map for making this novel extraction scheme operational.
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