Blind Visual Quality Assessment for Super-Resolution Images: Database and Model

SSRN Electronic Journal(2022)

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Image super-resolution (SR) algorithms are placed on high hope to reconstruct ultra-high-definition (UHD) videos from existing low-resolution videos. Efficient image quality assessment (IQA) methods could not only evaluate the performances of SR algorithms but also provide reliable feedback for algorithm optimization. However, only a few IQA databases and metrics have been specially designed for SR images. In this paper, we propose a database SR4KIQA containing 4K pristine images and super-resolution 4K distorted images with mean opinion score (MOS) labels. Distorted SR images are generated by five classic interpolation methods and seven typical DNN-based super-resolution algorithms. Then, a large-scale database SR4K298 owning 16688 pairs of SR distorted images is designed to support the training process of the ranking-based blind image quality assessment (BIQA) metric we proposed. SROCC of our metric Rank-SR has already reached 0.87 on the SR4KIQA database before the fine-tuning, which outperforms the state-of-art IQA metrics. As one of the very first IQA databases for 4K SR images artifacts, our database SR4KIQA has been publicly available on to encourage the further study of the research community.
Image super-resolution,Image database,Blind image quality assessment,Siamese network training
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