Certifiable Object Pose Estimation: Foundations, Learning Models, and Self-Training


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In this article, we consider a certifiable object pose estimation problem, where-given a partial point cloud of an object-the goal is to not only estimate the object pose, but also provide a certificate of correctness for the resulting estimate. Our first contribution is a general theory of certification for end-to-end perception models. In particular, we introduce the notion of ?-correctness, which bounds the distance between an estimate and the ground truth. We then show that ?-correctness can be assessed by implementing two certificates: 1) a certificate of observable correctness, which asserts if the model output is consistent with the input data and prior information; and 2) a certificate of nondegeneracy, which asserts whether the input data are sufficient to compute a unique estimate. Our second contribution is to apply this theory and design a new learning-based certifiable pose estimator. In particular, we propose C-3PO, a semantic-keypoint-based pose estimation model, augmented with the two certificates, to solve the certifiable pose estimation problem. C-3PO also includes a keypoint corrector, implemented as a differentiable optimization layer, that can correct large detection errors (e.g., due to the sim-to-real gap). Our third contribution is a novel self-supervised training approach that uses our certificate of observable correctness to provide the supervisory signal to C-3PO during training. In it, the model trains only on the observably correct input-output pairs produced in each batch and at each iteration. As training progresses, we see that the observably correct input-output pairs grow, eventually reaching near 100% in many cases. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the performance of the corrector, the certification, and the proposed self-supervised training using the ShapeNet and YCB datasets. The experiments show that 1) standard semantic-keypoint-based methods (which constitute the backbone of C-3PO) outperform more recent alternatives in challenging problem instances; 2) C-3PO further improves performance and significantly outperforms all the baselines; and 3) C-3PO's certificates are able to discern correct pose estimates.(1)
Certifiable models,computer vision,3D robot vision,object pose estimation,safe perception,self-supervised learning
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