Towards Sustainable Systems Reconfiguration by an IoT-driven System of Systems Engineering Lifecycle Approach

Procedia CIRP(2022)

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By the ever-progressing smartization of products, their embedded environment systems are getting more and more crossed, and so-called System of Systems (SoS) are arising from this to deliver overreaching and new innovative services and functionalities, especially for the customer of those systems. In the future, it will be more and more beneficial to implement these services and product-based functionality under pertinent aspects of sustainability (e.g. carbon footprint or other critical resources along the product engineering process). In this context, this contribution presents a System of Systems Engineering Lifecycle Concept for the dynamic reconfiguration of systems within a smart Product-based System of Systems to ensure certain sustainability aspects during the system of systems operation using an Internet of Things (IoT) based platform. Part of the concept is, on the one hand, the integration of relevant data from the usage of several systems into the early model-based development phases (like Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE)) by using the so-called IoT-driven smart Product-based System of Systems Reconfiguration Approach to ensure different sustainability aspects in future development phases of a system or a system of systems. To meet compliance and promotion of sustainability aspects in the operation of a smart product-based system of systems, on the other hand, the approach shows under consideration of the current operating data of the participating systems and their corresponding dynamic adaptation using the example of a sustainable autonomous construction site scenario and an appropriate IoT-based platform.
Sustainable System of Systems,Smart Product Engineering,System of Systems Lifecycle Engineering
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