Wideband Millimeter-Wave Substrate Integrated Waveguide Fed Metasurface Antenna

IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation(2022)

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A wideband metasurface antenna operating at millimeter-wave spectrum in substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology is proposed. Coupled by a slot etched on a SIW section, the proposed metasurface antenna achieves a wide 10-dB impedance bandwidth in simulation from 19.2 GHz to 42.4 GHz, indicating a fractional bandwidth of 75proposed metasurface antenna can be divided into four stages, i.e., a slot antenna, dielectric loading, adding covered metasurface, and connecting to a transition. The input impedance and the resonance of these stages are elaborated in details to explain the working mechanism. Parametric study is carried out to inspect into the design process. By analyzing the E-field distributions, the proposed metasurface antenna is characterized by TM10 mode, antiphase TM20 mode, and TM30 mode. Compared with other similar designs in the open literatures, the proposed metasurface antenna displays a widest impedance bandwidth. The dimension of the proposed metasurface antenna is 0.80 λ0 × 0.72 λ0 × 0.24 λ0, where λ0 is the free-space wavelength at 30 GHz. The maximum gain within the interested frequency spectrum is 7.0 dBi.
Metasurface antenna,millimeter-wave,substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW),wideband
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