
The Status of Chronic Lung Disease Diagnosis in Japan: Secondary Publication

Pediatrics international(2022)

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Background In Japan, the definition and classification of neonatal chronic lung disease (CLD) used for its diagnosis are a combination of those used in Japan and abroad. Methods To clarify the current state of CLD diagnosis, a questionnaire survey was conducted. Results Half of the patients of the medical centers included in the study were diagnosed with CLD in real time, while the other half were diagnosed after discharge. In addition, in approximately 70% of the facilities, diagnosis was made after discussions various among medical teams. In approximately 80% of the centers, the chest radiography used for CLD diagnosis were evaluated by multiple doctors. Furthermore, some centers used chest X-rays that were taken at approximately 28 days of age for CLD diagnosis, whereas at other facilities, diagnosis was made regardless of time at which the chest radiography were obtained. Only a small number of centers have established criteria for determining the necessity of oxygen at the corrected age of 36 weeks, and the target saturation of peripheral oxygen levels also tend to vary for each facility. Whether the conditions wherein the patient receives respiratory support for apnea or respiratory tract diseases should be considered as CLD also differed among the facilities. Conclusions It is necessary to reassess the definition and classification of CLD in Japan to accurately evaluate and improve the quality of respiratory management based on the long-term prognosis.
chest radiography,chronic lung disease,classification,definition,diagnosis
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