The star formation history in the last 10 billion years from CIB cross-correlations

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society(2022)

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The Cosmic Infrared Background (CIB) traces the emission of star-forming galaxies throughout all cosmic epochs. Breaking down the contribution from galaxies at different redshifts to the observed CIB maps would allow us to probe the history of star formation. In this paper, we cross-correlate maps of the CIB with galaxy samples covering the range $z\lesssim2$ to measure the bias-weighted star-formation rate (SFR) density $\langle b\rho_{\rm SFR}\rangle$ as a function of time in a model independent way. This quantity is complementary to direct measurements of the SFR density $\rho_{\rm SFR}$, giving a higher weight to more massive haloes, and thus provides additional information to constrain the physical properties of star formation. Using cross-correlations of the CIB with galaxies from the DESI Legacy Survey and the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey, we obtain high signal-to-noise ratio measurements of $\langle b\rho_{\rm SFR}\rangle$, which we then use to place constraints on halo-based models of the star-formation history. We fit halo-based SFR models to our data and compare the recovered $\rho_{\rm SFR}$ with direct measurements of this quantity. We find a qualitatively good agreement between both independent datasets, although the details depend on the specific halo model assumed. This constitutes a useful robustness test for the physical interpretation of the CIB, and reinforces the role of CIB maps as valuable astrophysical probes of the large-scale structure. We report our measurements of $\langle b\rho_{\rm SFR}\rangle$ as well as a thorough account of their statistical uncertainties, which can be used to constrain star formation models in combination with other data.
galaxies: star formation,large-scale structure of Universe
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