Snow Nitrate Isotopes in Central Antarctica Record the Prolonged Period of Stratospheric Ozone Depletion From similar to 1960 to 2000

Geophysical Research Letters(2022)

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Interpretation of NO3- variability recorded in ice cores remains challenging as it can be lost from snow. Here, we present 60-year records of NO3- and its isotopic composition (delta N-15, delta O-18, and Delta O-17) in snow in central Antarctica, Dome A. In the upper similar to 90 cm snowpack, variations in concentration and isotopic composition of NO3- are dominated by photolytic loss, and delta O-18 and Delta O-17 of NO3- are associated with the recycling of NOx to NO3- in the condensed phase driven by photolysis. In the deeper snowpack (similar to 1960-2000), we observe prolonged trends in concentration and isotopic composition of NO3-, which are best explained as enhanced snow NO3- photolysis due to long-term decreasing total column ozone (TCO). That is, the prolonged period of trends in NO3- and its isotopes in extremely low snow accumulation sites such as Dome A relay information on variations in TCO and consequently surface solar ultraviolet radiation over time.
central Antarctica, stratospheric ozone depletion, ice core nitrate, nitrogen and oxygen isotopes
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