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Towards Gradient-Based Saliency Consensus Training for Adversarial Robustness


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In recent works, robust networks have consistently exhibited more discriminative saliency map that proves to indicate sufficient adversarial robustness. In existed safe training paradigms e.g., adversarial training, however, the progressive saliency information regarding on what input semantic feature model prediction relies, have not yet been fully-explored. Due to this, we consider the incorporation of posterior saliency properties of robust model in training, as an efficient supervision signal on robust learning. It thus provides an alternative direction to enhance robustness, from the saliency interpretability perspective. In this article, to harden model we propose to optimize the discrimination of intermediate gradient-based saliency and maintain its consensus in training, which encourage model to behave according to task-relevant feature from the salient region such as object edges in image. Then, we introduce Adversarially Gradient-based Saliency Consensus Training method, dubbed Adv-GSCT. Within it, we preserve the similarity between the learned model saliency and the target one as label, approximated in the most offending case representing the least but essential information scenario. Meanwhile, a constructed pseudo-input coupled with feature importance, is feed into model to ensure the discrimination of estimated target saliency. Besides providing a novel insight into adversarial defense, Adv-GSCT differs from the current most effective adversarial training and does not need multiple iterative generations of adversarial perturbation whose computational cost and sensitivity direction of prediction concern. Finally, extensive performance evaluations on MNIST, CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method.
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Adversarial robustness,saliency consensus,deep neural networks
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