
Systematic Compilation/Evaluation of Reduced B(E3) Transition Probabilities and Configurations of Octupole (∆I=3) Isomers in Mass A~200 Region

Prerna Singh Rawat,S Kumar, H. Chutani,M. Goyal

Journal of nuclear physics, materials sciences, radiation and applications(2022)

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Background: Strong octupole correlations are observed in mass region giving rise to a number of isomeric states decaying via type of transition involving interacting orbitals. Theoretically, the and neutron orbitals or the and proton orbitals are predicted to be involved in these enhanced decays. Purpose: This work reports on the systematics of reduced transition probabilities and configurations of octupole isomers in order to compare them based on their structures such as even-even, even-odd, odd-even and odd-odd. Methods: The data for a total of isomers is collected from the ENSDF/XUNDL Database of NNDC. The reduced transition probabilities are evaluated and compiled using the available data on half-life and branching ratios of the isomeric states having pure decay. In about cases, we have also evaluated the half-lives to get their adopted value to obtain the transition probability by RULER program. Results: A systematic variation in the reduced transition strength is discussed as a function of neutron and proton number to see the contribution/effect from the core particles. An enhancement is observed experimentally for the isomeric states involving the and neutron orbitals or the and proton orbitals Conclusions: The enhanced transitions rates are observed in nuclei having configurations with octupole effects.
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