
Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles by Plants and Their Renewable Energy Applications

Green Nano Solution for Bioenergy Production EnhancementClean Energy Production Technologies(2022)

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Nanotechnology is a branch of science that is highly evolving and has its applications widespread into diverse fields. Use of metals in the nanoparticles synthesis has received international attention due to its considerable, huge applications in all fields. In recent times, biogenic method of synthesis of nanoparticles is being done using plants, microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, and algae which is receiving global attention for its advantages like decreased usage of chemicals that are harmful, cost effective, environment friendly, etc. Green synthesis methods are largely explored as they function as potential factories with vital requirements like enzymes, substrates, and other components that are required for the formation of the nanoparticles of superior quality. Biological method of synthesis is completely safe. The extract in itself have natural capping agents, reducing agents, etc. that are required for the nanoparticles formation. Bio-mediated synthesis of nanoparticles with several metals such as gold, silver, copper, platinum, zinc and its oxides, titanium, nickel, palladium, etc. and their applications in various areas have been studied globally by researchers. The use of metals as single i.e., monometallic or in combination of more than one metal as, bimetallic and even trimetallic for nonmaterial synthesis and their possible advantages is studied. The physical properties like size, shape, chemical composition, dispersion, structure, etc. which further signify the quality of the nanoparticles formed are evaluated by several characterization techniques. Today’s modern society is looking for reproducible, reliable, eco-friendly, economic friendly technology and nanotechnology is a providing promising results in research and as well in application. It is also imperative that researchers with their interdisciplinary approach should further strive to overcome the challenges in synthesis, characterisation and evaluating the beneficial utilization of nanoparticles for the mankind. In our present review we tried to summarise the methods for the synthesis of nanoparticles from plants extract, metals and their uses and their renewable energy application. Nanotechnology has the prospective to give more reliable, cleaner, reproducible ways to harness renewable energy resources.
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