
Classification of pesticides and loss of crops due to creepy crawlers

Pesticides in the Natural Environment(2022)

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The term “pesticide” encompasses blend of substances meant to destroy, prevent, or regulate any pest. The total populace has been running upwards at a remarkable rate during the most recent few decades. Up until now, advanced agricultural innovation has empowered us to generally stay up with the expanding human populace through expanded efficiency of significant yields. However, with the boost in crop yields, the losses by weeds, pests, and pathogens also increases and finding ways to develop approaches to improve and utilize safe pesticides to regulate a broad variety of insect pests, which influence adversely the yield and quality of global food production was one of the significant sponsors of the green revolution. In post-green revolution period, global and national (Indian) crop yield losses due to pests have dropped since the starting of this century. However, due to the gross utilization of pesticides in various fields like agrobusiness, forestry, food industry, etc., threatens the general wellbeing and environment. Pesticides are popularly classified based on three widely used classification approaches, i.e., pesticide-chemical structure; mode of pesticide entry and, mechanism of pesticide action, and the pests they kill. By offering significance to public health, WHO has classified pesticides based on their hazardous impacts. Improper utilization of pesticides can cause a seriously destructive impact on the living framework, ecosystem and most pesticides do not recognize between insect pests and other comparative coincidental living organisms and kill all of them. This review offers an analysis of pesticide; definition, classification based on use, chemical nature, mode of entry, and toxicity and crop damages attributable to insect pests (worldwide and Indian scenario). This review can also help in the discovery of judicious, safe, economical, and sustainable approaches to pest management along with food security for the future.
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