Composition, diversity and environmental drivers of soil cyanobacterial communities in rice fields in Jilin Province, China

SSRN Electronic Journal(2022)

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Carrying out research on cyanobacterial diversity of paddy wetlands is of great practical importance to clarify the distribution of soil cyanobacteria under different ecological conditions and to develop and apply native cyanobacterial resources. In this study, the composition, diversity and environmental drivers of soil cyanobacterial communities in rice fields from six regions of Jilin Province (China) were investigated using Illumina MiSeq sequence technology in combination with morphological observations. The results showed that the 16S amplicon highthroughput sequence detected the presence of cyanobacterial of 16 phyla, 33 orders, 60 families and 113 genera in the soil of rice fields in Jilin Province. Cyanobium_PCC-6307, Synechocystis_PCC-6803, Planktothrix_NIVA-CYA_15 and Nodosilinea (Nostoc) _PCC-7104 were the dominant cyanobacterial populations in paddy soils of Jilin Province. Microscopic examination revealed the presence of a significant proportion of nitrogen-fixing filamentous cyanobacterial Anabaena and Nostoc in each soil sample. The structural characteristics and diversity of cyanobacterial communities showed regional differences, and soil pH and AP were the main environmental drivers of cyanobacterial community structure. The alkaline soils Baicheng, Songyuan and Meihekou had higher diversity than the acidic soils Changchun, Jilin and Tonghua, with the highest cyanobacterial diversity in Meihekou.
cyanobacterial communities,soil,rice fields
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