The Big Data toolkit for Psychologists: Data Sources and Methodologies

The psychology of technology: Social science research in the age of Big Data.(2021)

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As human interactions have shifted to virtual spaces and as sensing systems have become more affordable, an increasing share of peoples’ everyday lives can be captured in real time. The availability of such fine-grained behavioral data from billions of people has the potential to enable great leaps in our understanding of human behavior. However, such data also pose challenges to engineers and behavioral scientists alike, requiring a specialized set of tools and methodologies to generate psychologically relevant insights.In particular, researchers may need to utilize machine learning techniques to extract information from unstructured or semi-structured data, reduce high-dimensional data to a smaller number of variables, and efficiently deal with extremely large sample sizes. Such procedures can be computationally expensive, requiring researchers to balance computation time with processing power and memory capacity. Whereas modelling procedures on small datasets will usually take mere moments to execute, applying modeling procedures to big data can take much longer with typical execution times spanning hours, days, or even weeks depending on the complexity of the problem and the resources available. Seemingly subtle decisions regarding preprocessing and analytic strategy can end up having a huge impact on the viability of executing analyses within a reasonable timeframe. Consequently, researchers must anticipate potential pitfalls regarding the interplay of their analytic strategy with memory and computational constraints.Many researchers who are interested in using “big data” report having problems learning about new analytic methods or software, finding collaborators with the right skills and knowledge, and getting access to commercial or proprietary data for their research (Metzler et al. 2016). This chapter aims to serve as a practical introduction for psychologists who want to use large datasets and datasets from non-traditional data sources in their research (i.e., data not generated in the lab or through conventional surveys). First, we discuss the concept of big data and review some of the theoretical challenges and opportunities that arise with the availability of ever larger amounts of data. Second, we discuss practical implications and best practices with respect to data collection, data storage, data processing, and data modelling for psychological research in the age of big data.
big data toolkit,psychologists,data sources
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